Jackson Lab
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Postdocs! (Updated June 2024) We are hiring a full-time postdoctoral scientist to contribute to a project quantifying tropical methane fluxes in Brazil, Peru, French Guiana, and Botswana as part of the FLUXNET-CH4 network we recently established with the Global Carbon Project. Email Rob Jackson (rob.jackson@stanford.edu) and Colin Finnegan (colinfinnegan@stanford.edu) for more information.
Congratulations to lab members who found new jobs in 2021-2024!
- Sam Abernethy, Staff Scientist, Spark Climate
- Sarah Cooley, Assistant Professor, University of Oregon
- Sarah Féron, Assistant Professor, University of Groningen
- Etienne Fluet-Chouinard, Staff Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Lab
- Kat Georgiou, Lawrence Fellow, Lawrence Livermore National Lab
- Eric Lebel, Staff Scientist, PSE Healthy Energy
- MingZhen Lu, Assistant Professor, NYU
- Avni Malhotra, Staff Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Lab
- Gavin McNicol, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Zutao Ouyang, Assistant Professor, Auburn University
- Adam Pellegrini, Associate Professor, Cambridge University
- César Terrer, Assistant Professor, MIT
- Shersingh Tumber-Dávila, Assistant Professor, Dartmouth College
- Chenghao Wang, Assistant Professor, University of Oklahoma
- Leehi Yona, Assistant Professor, Cornell University
Yang and Yamazaki Environment and Energy Building
473 Via Ortega, Rm. 379B
Stanford CA, 94305-4216
(650) 497-5841; rob.jackson@stanford.edu