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Jackson Lab

The Jackson lab examines the many ways  people affect the Earth. Our projects combine basic science and policy solutions to issues such as climate change, energy extraction, and land use. We're currently examining the effects of climate change and droughts on old-growth forests. We are also working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the Global Carbon Project (, which Rob chairs. This work includes establishing a global network of methane tower measurements at nearly 100 sites worldwide, with new projects across the Amazon and other tropical regions. and measuring and reducing methane emissions and air pollution from oil and gas wells, city streets, and homes and buildings.

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Postdocs! (Updated June 2024) We are hiring a full-time postdoctoral scientist to contribute to a project quantifying tropical methane fluxes in Brazil, Peru, French Guiana, and Botswana as part of the FLUXNET-CH4 network we recently established with the Global Carbon Project. Email Rob Jackson ( and Colin Finnegan ( for more information.

Congratulations to lab members who found new jobs in 2021-2024!

  • Sam Abernethy, Staff Scientist, Spark Climate
  • Sarah Cooley, Assistant Professor, University of Oregon
  • Sarah Féron, Assistant Professor, University of Groningen
  • Etienne Fluet-Chouinard, Staff Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Lab
  • Kat Georgiou, Lawrence Fellow, Lawrence Livermore National Lab
  • Eric Lebel, Staff Scientist, PSE Healthy Energy
  • MingZhen Lu, Assistant Professor, NYU
  • Avni Malhotra, Staff Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Lab
  • Gavin McNicol, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Zutao Ouyang, Assistant Professor, Auburn University
  • Adam Pellegrini, Associate Professor, Cambridge University
  • César Terrer, Assistant Professor, MIT
  • Shersingh Tumber-Dávila, Assistant Professor, Dartmouth College
  • Chenghao Wang, Assistant Professor, University of Oklahoma
  • Leehi Yona, Assistant Professor, Cornell University

Yang and Yamazaki Environment and Energy Building
473 Via Ortega, Rm. 379B
Stanford CA, 94305-4216
(650) 497-5841;