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Animal Mischief
Authors: Jackson, RB
Year: 2006
Journal: Boyds Mills Press
Recent Poems
- Jackson, R. (2022). Felt. Permafrost, 43.
- Jackson, R. (2022). I Want Nothing. The Avocet.
- Climate Stasis (Light, Summer/Fall 2021). (2021). Light. https://lightpoetrymagazine.com/robert-jackson-summer-21/
- Felt (Permafrost, Issue 42, 2021). (2021). Permafrost.
- Spring Pruning (The New Farmer’s Almanac, 2021). (2021). The New Farmer’s Almanac.
- Words (The New Farmer’s Almanac, 2021). (2021). New Farmer’s Almanac.
- Assisted Migration (Portland Review, Vol 66, 2020). (2020). Portland Review.
- Chickens (Split Rock Review, Issue 15, Fall 2020). (2020). Split Rock Review. https://doi.org/https://www.splitrockreview.org/rob-jackson
- Dive Buddy (Magma, July 2020). (2020). Magma (July 2020). https://doi.org/Magma Poetry
- Platypus (BioScience, September 2020). (2020). BioScience, 70.
- Rebuilding (BioScience, September 2020). (2020). BioScience, 70.
- The Sun’s Migration (Kestrel, Issue 43, Summer 2020). (2020). Kestrel.
- Chasing Owls (The Lyric; 2019). (2019). The Lyric. https://doi.org/Chasing Owls
- Ghost Sounds (America; 2019). (2019). America, 22. https://doi.org/Ghost Sounds
- Printers Are the Devil’s Spawn (Light, Summer 2019). (2019). Light. https://doi.org/Full poem
- Red Tide (Valparaiso Poetry Review; Fall/Winter 2019-2020). (2019). Valparaiso Poetry Review. https://doi.org/Red Tide
- A Troubling (Thema; Spring 2018). (2018). Thema. https://doi.org/A Troubling
- Aphantasia (Atlanta Review; Spring/Summer 2018). (2018). Atlanta Review.
- Climate Violence (LitHub.com; Dec 4th, 2018). (2018). LitHub.com.
- For Bashō and Issa (Understory, 2018). (2018). Understory.