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- Fluet-Chouinard, E., & et al., . (2023). Extensive global wetland loss over the past three centuries. Nature, 614, 281–286.
- Kashtan, Y., Nicholson, M., Finnegan, C., Ouyang, Z., Lebel, E., Michanowicz, D., Shonkoff, S., & Jackson, R. (2023). Gas and Propane Combustion from Stoves Emits Benzene and Increases Indoor Air Pollution. Environmental Science and Technology, 57, 9653–9663.
- Stocker, B., Tumber-Dávila, S., Konings, A., Anderson, M., Hain, C., & Jackson, R. (2023). Global patterns of water storage in the rooting zones of vegetation. Nature Geoscience.
- Sherwin, E., Rutherford, J., Chen, Y., Aminfard, S., Kort, E., Jackson, R., & Brandt, A. (2023). Single-blind validation of space-based point-source detection and quantification of onshore methane emissions.. Scientific Reports.
- Zhang, L., Tian, H., Shi, H., Pan, S., Chang, J., Dangal, S., Qin, S., Wang, S., Tubiello, F., Canadell, J., & Jackson, R. (2022). A 130-year global inventory of methane emissions from livestock: trends, patterns, and drivers. Global Change Biology.
- Ciais et al., P. (2022). Definitions and methods to estimate regional land carbon fluxes for the second phase of the REgional Carbon Cycle Assessment and Processes Project (RECCAP-2). Geoscientific Model Development, 15.
- Jackson, R., Friedlingstein, P., Quéré, C., Abernethy, S., Andrew, R., Canadell, J., Ciais, P., Davis, S., Deng, Z., Liu, Z., Korsbakken, J., & Peters, G. (2022). Global fossil carbon emissions rebound near pre-COVID-19 levels. Environmental Research Letters, 17, 031001.
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- Global temperature goals should determine the time horizons for greenhouse gas emission metrics. (2022). Environmental Research Letters, 17.
- Human well-being and per capita energy use. (2022). Ecosphere.
- Hong, C., Zhao, H., Qin, Y., Zhang, Q., Burney, J., Pongratz, J., Hartung, K., Liu, Y., Moore, F., Jackson, R., & Davis, S. (2022). Land-use emissions embodied in international trade. Science, in press.
- Methane and NOx Emissions from Natural Gas Stoves, Cooktops, and Ovens in Residential Homes. (2022). Environmental Science and Technology.
- Plant sizes and shapes above- and belowground and their interactions with climate. (2022). New Phytologist.
- Tumber-Dávila, S., Schenk, H., Du, E., & Jackson, R. (2022). Plant sizes and shapes above- and belowground and their interactions with climate. New Phytologist, in press.
- A trade-off between plant and soil carbon storage under elevated CO2. (2021). Nature, 591.
- Anthropogenic emissions are the main contribution to the rise of atmospheric methane (1993-2017). (2021). National Science Review.
- Atmospheric methane removal: A research agenda. (2021). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 379.
- Carbon analytics for net-zero emissions sustainable cities. (2021). Nature Sustainability, 4.
- Clean firm power is the key to California’s carbon-free energy future. (2021). Issues in Science and Technology.