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Results for: Academic
- Fluet-Chouinard, Etienne, and et al. “Extensive Global Wetland Loss over the past Three Centuries”, Nature, 614 (2023): 281–286.
- Kashtan, Yannai, Metta Nicholson, Colin Finnegan, Zutao Ouyang, Eric Lebel, Drew Michanowicz, Seth Shonkoff, and Robert Jackson. “Gas and Propane Combustion from Stoves Emits Benzene and Increases Indoor Air Pollution”, Environmental Science and Technology, 57 (2023): 9653–9663.
- Stocker, BD, SJ Tumber-Dávila, AG Konings, MC Anderson, C Hain, and RB Jackson. “Global Patterns of Water Storage in the Rooting Zones of Vegetation”, Nature Geoscience.
- Sherwin, Evan, Jeffrey Rutherford, Yuanlei Chen, Sam Aminfard, Eric Kort, Robert Jackson, and Adam Brandt. “Single-Blind Validation of Space-Based Point-Source Detection and Quantification of Onshore Methane Emissions”.. Scientific Reports, 2023.
- Zhang, L, H Tian, H Shi, S Pan, J Chang, S Dangal, S Qin, S Wang, F Tubiello, J Canadell, and R Jackson. “A 130-Year Global Inventory of Methane Emissions from Livestock: Trends, Patterns, and Drivers”, Global Change Biology.
- Ciais et al., P. “Definitions and Methods to Estimate Regional Land Carbon Fluxes for the Second Phase of the REgional Carbon Cycle Assessment and Processes Project (RECCAP-2)”, Geoscientific Model Development, 15 (2022).
- Jackson, R, P Friedlingstein, C Quéré, S Abernethy, R Andrew, J Canadell, P Ciais, S Davis, Z Deng, Z Liu, J Korsbakken, and G Peters. “Global Fossil Carbon Emissions Rebound Near Pre-COVID-19 Levels”, Environmental Research Letters, 17 (2022): 031001.
- Z, Liu, Z Deng, B Zhu, P Ciais, S Davis, J Tan, R Andrew, O Boucher, S Arous, J Canadell, X Dou, P Friedlingstein, P Gentine, R Guo, C Hong, R Jackson, D Kammen, P Ke, C Quéré, C Monica, G Janssens-Maenhout, G Peters, K Tanaka, Y Wang, and B Zheng H. “Global Patterns of Daily CO2 Emission Reductions During 2020”, Nature Geoscience.
- Georgiou, K, R Jackson, O Vindušková, R Abramoff, A Ahlström, W Feng, J Harden, A Pellegrini, HWnPolley, J Soong, W Riley, and M Torn. “Global Stocks and Capacity of Mineral-Associated Soil Organic Carbon”, Nature Communications.
- “Global Temperature Goals Should Determine the Time Horizons for Greenhouse Gas Emission Metrics”, Environmental Research Letters, 17 (2022).
- “Human Well-Being and Per Capita Energy Use”, Ecosphere.
- Hong, C, H Zhao, Y Qin, Q Zhang, J Burney, J Pongratz, K Hartung, Yu Liu, F Moore, R Jackson, and S Davis. “Land-Use Emissions Embodied in International Trade”, Science, in press.
- “Methane and NOx Emissions from Natural Gas Stoves, Cooktops, and Ovens in Residential Homes”, Environmental Science and Technology.
- Tumber-Dávila, S, H Schenk, E Du, and R Jackson. “Plant Sizes and Shapes Above- and Belowground and Their Interactions With Climate”, New Phytologist, in press.
- “A Trade-off Between Plant and Soil Carbon Storage under Elevated CO2”, Nature, 591 (2021).
- “Anthropogenic Emissions Are the Main Contribution to the Rise of Atmospheric Methane (1993-2017)”, National Science Review.
- “Atmospheric Methane Removal: A Research Agenda”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 379 (2021).
- “Carbon Analytics for Net-Zero Emissions Sustainable Cities”, Nature Sustainability, 4 (2021).
- “Clean Firm Power Is the Key to California’s Carbon-Free Energy Future”, Issues in Science and Technology.